Create the foundation for data-driven merit cycles

Aired on:
November 16, 2022
10:00AM PT | 1:00PM ET
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Merit cycles are an important moment for your company. It’s your opportunity to review and reward employees for their contributions over the past 6 or 12 months. But from updating your bands to enabling managers to communicate the results to employees, there’s a lot to do. And outdated tools and workflows aren’t going to set you up for success.Based on conversations with hundreds of companies, we’ve assembled best practices from People Leaders to ensure that your cycle goes off without a hitch.

What You'll Learn

  • Setting your foundation: Ensuring that you’ve got your leveling framework, updated bands, and everything else that’s required to run a successful merit cycle.
  • Managing bands securely: No, this doesn’t mean in excel. Getting set up with the right solution that allows you to securely and efficiently share bands with your team.
  • Educating key stakeholders: Getting managers, recruiters, and your executive team aligned on the key aspects of your merit cycle and the tasks they’ll be responsible for.
  • Getting executive buy-in: Best practices on how to secure buy-in from your executive team about all the details of your merit cycles – timelines, budgets, and more.


Hannah Hanks
People Leader & Consultant
Trail of Bits
Julie Menge
Senior People Operations Manager
Rachel Cougan
VP of People
Doug Roberge
Product Marketing Lead

Pave is the only end-to-end compensation management platform that helps companies plan, communicate, and benchmark compensation in real-time. Powered by integrations, Pave makes it easier for People leaders to build and execute best-in-class compensation strategies to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.

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