📹 LIVE DEMO 1/29 @ 10:30AM: Unlocking Better Equity Benchmarks
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Case Studies
How Clio Leverages Market Pricing to Address Lagging Bands
By implementing Pave’s Market Pricing, Clio eliminated manual work, streamlined their compensation data and workflows, and built confidence in bands powered by real-time insights.
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Partnered with the Best
How Affirm’s Pay Transparency Program powers a culture of trust
Affirm is an example of what a world-class compensation program looks like. Learn how they’ve built a program that has garnered trust and positive sentiment across the organization.
How Pave Helped Credit Karma Save Time Operationalizing its Promotion Process
Since implementing Pave, Credit Karma has had greater clarity around promotion cycles and has improved employee retention and engagement.
How Cockroach Labs used Pave to drive comp philosophy alignment and improve budget efficiency
How Pave helped Cockroach Labs streamline merit cycles, engage managers in comp decisions, and improve budget management.
HOVER: A New Model for Equity Transparency
How HOVER modernized compensation and communication amid rapid growth.
Ro: Simplifying compensation planning for all
How Ro uses Pave to seamlessly manage its robust global compensation process.Â
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