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Easily reprice bands with a variety of compensation data

Combine your compensation survey data with Pave’s real-time benchmarks to ensure you’re paying in line with the market.
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Streamline the manual work of updating compensation bands with Market Pricing

Centralize compensation data

Upload and manage external benchmarking surveys (e.g. Mercer, Willis Towers Watson) in Pave. Combine them with Pave data and weigh each dataset to create your ideal composite benchmark.

Easily spot which bands need updating

Analyze market, employee data, and your bands to easily reprice them in minutes.

Streamline manual and tedious tasks

Edit your bands with smart tools and guided workflows for analysis and review. Instantly snap individual band midpoints to market data, ensure data accuracy with our guided workflows, and easily review bands before finalizing them.

Make informed decisions and keep track of changes

Save the history and context of changes for future reference. Share the right bands with the right stakeholders. Set up permissions that allow managers, talent teams, and compensation committees to only see the information that is most relevant to them.

Trusted by innovative startups and the world’s leading enterprises

It's everything we need. Looking at survey data,'s what I've wanted for so long. I'm really excited."
HR Data Analyst, GoGuardian
Pave has been an amazing compensation tool for our portfolio. Integrating via API has dramatically lowered the upfront effort to get started, eliminated the need to manually upload their data year over year, and given them a truly real-time view of compensation benchmarks.
Atli Thorkelsson
VP of Talent Network
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We didn’t have to retrain our team to talk about equity in a certain way, the tool just reflected the dialogue we already wanted to have with candidates and employees.
Brit Malinauskas
VP of People and Workplace
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Real-time compensation benchmarking data is the most valuable asset in hiring and retaining top talent. Pave's platform gives Bessemer portfolio companies a huge advantage by enabling secure and instant access to data.
Miia Laukkarinen
Vice President of Talent
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Learn more about
Pave Market Pricing

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