Taking Pave’s Compensation Planning Tools to New Heights with Cycle Insights

March 18, 2025
min read

As companies grow, merit cycles become larger and more complex, placing added pressure on compensation leaders to demonstrate control over, and confidence in, how cycles are progressing. Access to real-time information becomes critical to answer questions like:

  • What teams inside my company are currently under or over budget?
  • Which people managers are at risk of missing deadlines?
  • Do I need to step in to ensure managers are using merit matrix guidelines to invest appropriately in our best performers, critical talent, and high potential employees?
  • Do the outcomes of our most recent cycle align with our company’s pay for performance goals?

Solving challenges of this nature is what motivates us to build amazing products for our clients, and that’s why we’re thrilled to announce the launch of Cycle Insights inside Pave’s market-leading Compensation Planning tool.

Let’s explore Cycle Insights in more detail!

What is Pave’s Cycle Insights feature?

Cycle Insights is a series of powerful visualizations inside Pave’s Compensation Planning tool that cover three critical dimensions of compensation management—checking in on people manager progress, tracking budget allocations and spend in real-time, and analyzing cycle outcomes (coming soon in May).

With Cycle Insights, Pave clients now have access to valuable intelligence such as:

  • Cycle Progress - Instantly understand how far along each department is in your cycle, including the submission of planner worksheets and seeing where bottlenecks exist.
  • Budgets - Create a clear, data-driven view of budget allocations, spending trends, and overspending across your organization as cycles are underway.
  • Cycle Outcomes - Coming in May 2025, these visualizations will give you access to crucial data on your closed cycles—including the ability to compare base salary, bonus, and equity award outcomes for individual employees against their peers to assess the quality and consistency of compensation decisions.

Cycle Insights also includes a comprehensive reporting API that allows you to seamlessly integrate your cycle data with popular analytics platforms and business intelligence tools in real-time. Extract actionable insights, create custom visualizations, and build tailored reports that address your specific business questions—all without complex data manipulation or coding.

With better insights into the performance of your compensation cycles, you can take charge, build confidence, and earn trust across your entire workforce.

How Do Cycle Insights Help You?

Pave customers already use our Compensation Planning tool to set up, streamline and accelerate their compensation cycles. Now, with Cycle Insights, your ability to guide, analyze, and improve cycles as they happen is turbocharged. 

With Cycle Insights, you can:

  • Monitor and manage cycle spend - Quickly visualize how your company is tracking against targeted spend, including where and why you might be overspending in certain areas
  • Accelerate cycles even further - Instantly Identify bottlenecks across your business that are slowing down the merit cycle
  • Make better compensation decisions - Take action mid-cycle to influence decisions out-of-step with your guidelines and goals
  • Visualize compensation insights across your organization - Gain powerful visibility into employee increases by department, performance ratings, promotions, and other key metrics across all comp programs processed in the cycle

Put simply, Pave’s new visualizations give cycle admins, compensation leaders, and executive stakeholders a clear, real-time view of all compensation cycle activity.

Are you ready to learn more about Pave’s Compensation Planning tools, including Cycle Insights? Request a demo today to see the product in action.

Learn more about Pave’s end-to-end compensation platform
Pave Team
Pave Team
Pave is a world-class team committed to unlocking a labor market built on trust. Our mission is to build confidence in every compensation decision.

Become a compensation expert with the latest insights powered by Pave.

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