New Year, New Pave

January 17, 2023
min read

Today, we’re making a new and exciting change at Pave as we enter the new year: a new look and feel, emblematic of the next era of compensation transparency and fairness we are excited to continue to pave the way towards. 

It’s hard to not enter the new year reflecting on how 2022 was a tough year for everyone. We watched the economy take a turn as “growth at all costs” quickly turned into “grow efficiently, and then to “try to survive for as long as possible”. Suddenly, companies en masse were forced to take a good, hard look at their operating expenses and were forced to make tough decisions about how they were looking to grow – or not – over the next few years.

As we enter 2023, the world is changing yet again. On January 1st, Pay Transparency legislation went into effect in California (and other states), affecting a majority of our customers. And while many things have changed around us – the economy, legislation, even our logo (!) – some things haven’t: namely, our resounding commitment to show up for our customers. 

At the beginning of 2022, we saw our customers use Pave’s best-in-class real-time dataset to understand the wildly competitive talent market. As the economy worsened, we watched our customers leverage Pave to help them navigate the most valuable, expensive investment they have – their people – by helping them reward and retain top performers through efficient and effective merit cycles. And as we enter 2023, we’ve evolved yet again – this time, to help companies meet the new Pay Transparency legislation with end-to-end foundational compensation infrastructure, as we prepare to launch the only product that exists that can help you build and understand your compensation bands based on real-time market data.

So in many ways, it’s really “new year, same Pave” – because while our new brand represents the modern, refreshed, and transformative experience we are looking to bring to the antiquated world of compensation, we are still us in every way that matters: relentlessly dedicated to serving People teams on our shared mission of making compensation fair. And that won’t change.

2022 was a monumental year for Pave. We acquired Option Impact, grew the number of customers we serve, grew our team, and launched a new Compensation Bands product to the world. We helped power thousands of compensation decisions across merit cycles and offers, and now, we’ve launched a new brand that represents the clarity we are looking to bring to the broken world of compensation. 

But regardless of the bar 2022 set for us, I can promise you that 2023 will be even more amazing. We have some exciting launches coming up as we use our real-time dataset to power best-in-class compensation decisions in Pave, and add even more configurability and intelligence to how you and your teams run merit cycles. This is on top of countless product improvements, UI refreshes, new integrations, and so much more that we have planned.

As exciting as all of this is, I’m even more convinced it’s going to be amazing because of the people that we’ll build this product hand-in-hand with: all of you. Because while the world might evolve around us, our commitment to you — and to our shared mission of making compensation fair — remains the same, as always. 

We’re so looking forward to tackling 2023, together and better than ever.

Massive, special thanks to the Pave design team for squinting at countless designs with me for many months, Doug for all his incredible hard work on the Pave website, and the Tonik team who made this all happen.

Learn more about Pave’s end-to-end compensation platform
Hareem Mannan
VP, Product
Hareem leads product and design at Pave. Prior to joining Pave, she held multiple leadership roles across product and design at Segment.

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