Introducing The Pave Partnership Program

March 28, 2023
min read

Pave, the world's leading compensation intelligence platform, is excited to announce the launch of its partnership program. The Pave Partnership Program offers a range of benefits to partners, including access to Pave's cutting-edge compensation data and resources, as well as the opportunity to build a world-class team through intelligent compensation decisions.

Pave's partnership program is designed to support a variety of partners, including venture capital firms, business partners, and product partners. Whether you're a compensation consultant, an executive search firm, a law firm, or a product company, Pave has a partnership option that will fit your needs.

Venture Capital Partners

Venture capital firms can join the 200+ VCs around the world that leverage Pave as their compensation source of truth. With Pave's partnership program, venture capital firms like Bessemer can leverage the platform's powerful compensation intelligence to ensure their portfolio companies have the tools they need to build a world-class team.

"Real-time compensation benchmarking data is the most valuable asset in hiring and retaining top talent. Pave's platform gives Bessemer portfolio companies a huge advantage by enabling secure and instant access to data."

- Miia Laukkarinen, Vice President of Talent at Bessemer Venture Partners. 

Business Partners

Business partners can build upon their compensation expertise with Pave. Over 30+ service providers work with Pave to inform their client engagements and solve complex compensation decisions with ease. With flexible partnership options, Pave can help partners offer clients the best compensation solutions available with an inside track directly to the Pave product team.

Product Partners

Product partners can connect with Pave's end-to-end compensation platform and unlock new customer opportunities. By building an integrated product experience, our product Partners can grow their commercial distribution and take their product to the next level. Check out our integration directory if you are interested in learning more about our partners.

"Culture Amp is excited to partner with Pave to support our shared customers in their efforts to make more informed and equitable compensation decisions."

- Justin Vandehey, Director of Global Partnerships, Culture Amp

Become A Partner

At Pave, we are dedicated to the success and growth of our partners' businesses. With our partnership program, we are excited to offer partners the resources and support they need to build a world-class team through intelligent compensation decisions. Join us today and discover the benefits of partnering with Pave!

Learn more about Pave’s end-to-end compensation platform
Nicklaus Salzman
Head of Partnerships
Nicklaus is the Global Head of Partnerships at Pave. He has worked with companies ranging from startups to $2B+ market cap enterprises, driving strategic partnerships for revenue growth and market expansion. Nicklaus previously led OneSignal's global partner ecosystem and holds a BS in Quantitative Economics from Duke University. A Bay Area native, he enjoys sports, traveling, and culinary exploration. Nicklaus is committed to building lasting partnerships that enable companies to unlock their full potential and achieve positive impact.

Become a compensation expert with the latest insights powered by Pave.

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