Unpacking Pave's VCECS 2023 Executive Compensation Report

January 30, 2024
min read

We are thrilled to announce the release of the highly anticipated Venture Capital Executive Compensation Survey (VCECS) Report for 2023. Pave continues to strive to provide a comprehensive dataset, offering unparalleled insights. This year we’ve delved into even deeper insights about executive compensation trends across an ever-increasing array of industries and geographies. In this post, we’ll dive into the key highlights of this year's report and explore how it can empower your compensation decision-making processes.

Unrivaled Executive Compensation Dataset:

Pave has the largest private company dataset globally, with over 40,000 executive compensation records. With data collected from over 7,800 participating companies, it stands as the most extensive executive compensation benchmarking report available. Gain a holistic perspective on compensation trends with data from a diverse set of companies, varying across new roles, company stages, and geographies.

Easy Report Format:

Pave understands the importance of convenience. The entire VCECS 2023 dataset is neatly packaged into a single Excel file. This user-friendly format allows for seamless navigation, making it easier than ever to access and interpret critical compensation data for VP and C-Suite roles.

Accessing the VCECS 2023 Report:

Follow these simple steps to access invaluable data:  

1. Log in to your Pave VC Partner Portal.

If you need assistance accessing your VC portal, please reach out to willem@pave.com!

2. Navigate to the "Download VCECS 2023 Report" button, prominently displayed at the top of your browser. 

3. Quickly and easily integrate this wealth of information into your strategic planning.

At Pave, we remain dedicated to providing the VC community with the tools and data needed to make informed decisions in the ever-evolving landscape of executive compensation. Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to empowering your success in 2024 and beyond!

Learn more about Pave’s end-to-end compensation platform
Pave Team
Pave Team
Pave is a world-class team committed to unlocking a labor market built on trust. Our mission is to build confidence in every compensation decision.

Become a compensation expert with the latest insights powered by Pave.

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