In today’s competitive talent market, employees leave jobs for a variety of reasons. Lack of career progression, poor management, and dissatisfaction with compensation are often cited as key factors that lead to turnover. However, if compensation is a concern for your employees, their unvested equity positions do not need to be part of the problem.
Equity compensation is widely considered one of the most powerful tools for employee retention and, with a finite pool of shares, it's crucial to distribute it wisely. This requires balancing fairness with impact—ensuring that equity not only incentivizes the right employees to stay but also fits into your broader compensation strategy.
This article will guide you through analyzing unvested equity data, identifying retention risks, and designing thoughtful strategies, while ensuring your equity is used efficiently.
Unvested equity is a key piece of the puzzle when employees weigh competing job offers. Employees may be balancing the question of: “Do I have enough skin in the game to remain where I am, or can I get more elsewhere?” Here's why an analysis of unvested equity is critical for comp leaders:
Before turning to the broader market, analyze your internal state of affairs. Start by assessing employees’ unvested equity—in general, and broken down by tenure:
Here are two examples of internal analysis:
Current Distribution of Employee Population - Percent of Equity Vested
Average Percent of Vested Equity by Employee Tenure
Once you have a solid understanding of your internal state, it’s time to look at the market:
While your strategy should be primarily driven by internal factors, incorporating external benchmarks allows you to evaluate how your employees stack up against the broader market, ensuring your approach is both internally informed and market competitive.
Here is an example analysis:
For longer tenured folks coming up to a major milestone where they will be heavily vested, a top-up grant may be required to bring that unvested amount back above 1x a new hire award. Targeting ~1x a new hire award in unvested equity is typically considered to be a strong retention hold.
For critical talent, you might need a different approach and aim higher—perhaps 1.25x or even 1.5x. This will depend on various factors such as share availability and individual performance. Another option is to target a higher market percentile. For example, if your equity philosophy is typically targeted at the 75th, you could look at the 90th percentile instead.
That said, we know as total rewards professionals that compensation often isn’t the crux of the problem. In some cases, granting more equity won’t prevent someone from leaving. It’s always crucial to understand an employee’s motivation to leave. If there is an option to ‘save’ them (though that in itself comes with caution) perhaps other non-monetary hooks will help—things like stretch projects, a path to promotion, or higher visibility with the leadership team.
Pave recently launched Calculated Benchmarks, a feature that uses machine learning to identify patterns across the dataset that can be used to provide more relevant, accurate, and timely equity compensation benchmarks. Using these patterns, Calculated Benchmarks then applies a series of regression models to generate reliable results in places where robust data is often lacking (e.g., job families with low incumbent counts or markets with smaller concentrations of talent).
This process, coupled with Pave’s unvested equity data, means that you have all the data you need to conduct your own robust analyses. Pave's real-time connection to market data for unvested equity enables companies to move from traditional, one-size-fits-all retention strategies to a customized, data-driven approach tailored to critical talent and at-risk employees.
Unvested equity can be a valuable part of your retention toolkit, but it requires a balanced approach. It’s about strategically managing equity based on both top-down factors, like share availability, and bottom-up insights, such as individual employee performance.
By analyzing your unvested equity profiles and tenure data and then comparing these with your compensation philosophy and market benchmarks, you can fine-tune your retention strategy to ensure critical talent stays engaged. Use your equity wisely, and it can significantly support your employee retention efforts while keeping your company competitive.