Fostering an ownership culture requires more than just handing out employee equity. Discover tips for cultivating an ownership mindset on your team.
We examined the data on compa ratios for new hires compared to existing employees. Discover what it can tell you about your compensation strategy.
When it comes to new hire equity, Pave’s data shows dramatic geographic pay differentials across the US. Explore the benchmarks.
Pave’s Calculated Benchmarks feature enables an analysis of equity benchmarks, including new hire and ongoing (or refresh) grants. Explore more here.
Discover four key takeaways from Pave’s 2025 AI & ML Compensation Trends & Practices Report, and download the full report to dive deeper.
What are geographic pay differentials, and how should your organization approach them in today's increasingly distributed work environment?
Looking to bring on your first software engineer? Here’s what founders at the pre-seed/seed stage need to know about founding engineer equity & salary.